An email filter is a software app that’s installed on a POP3/IMAP email server and keeps track of all inbound messages in order to impede any unwanted ones from reaching a particular inbox. Several examples of such email messages would be: offers for pills or cash, fake bank notices or email attachments that contain malware sent with the idea of damaging your PC. Spam filters normally examine the content of an email and when they spot certain keywords or other dubious content, they either erase the email message or re-send it to the Junk/Spam folder instead of the Inbox folder. Certain hosting companies combine their own spam filters with up-to-the-minute databases from spam-monitoring organizations, so as to ensure better safety for their clients. Such databases include patterns, email server IP addresses and other info about spam emails recently uncovered by these organizations.
Spam Filters in Website Hosting
If you order a website hosting plan from us and if you take advantage of our mail services, you will be able to enable spam filters for any of the email accounts that you set up from the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With no more than several clicks, you can pick between 5 separate protection levels. If you start receiving spam, you can begin with the lowest level and then gradually boost the level until you stop receiving spam. We use one of the very best and most famous filters out there called SpamAssassin. It examines the header field and the body of each email that you get and determines a spam score, based on which it either deletes a specific message or allows it to reach your mailbox. Hepsia will also permit you to create custom spam filters and either erase undesired emails or forward them to a third-party address such as where you can view them once more after that.
Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you reach the decision to use the email service that is offered with our semi-dedicated hosting service, you can keep all unwanted email messages away from your mailbox by enabling the five-level anti-spam protection service that we provide with every semi-dedicated package. This can be achieved via the feature-stuffed Email Manager section of the Control Panel and we rely on the powerful SpamAssassin filter to ensure that we provide the best possible protection for our clients. You can have a different anti-spam level for each mailbox and you can select if the filtered emails should be deleted or redirected to a separate mailbox where you can examine them later in order to make sure that you won’t skip authentic messages. Switching to another protection level or deactivating the anti-spam protection is also easy and requires several clicks.